T. Walter, M.D. Sohn. “A Regression-Based Approach to Estimating Retrofit Savings Using the Building Performance Database”. Applied Energy. (accepted).
M.A. Berger, P.A. Mathew, T. Walter. “The Promise and Peril of Big Data Analytics in the Building Industry”. ASHRAE Journal. (accepted).
T. Walter. “Probabilistic Methods and Big-Data for Risk-Robust Building Systems”. Doctoral Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, December 2015.
P.A. Mathew, L.N. Dunn, M.D. Sohn, A. Mercado, C. Custodio, T. Walter. “Big-Data for Building Energy Performance: Lessons from Assembling a Very Large National Database of Building Energy Use”. Applied Energy, Vol. 140, pp. 85–93, February 2015. [pdf]
R.E. Brown, T. Walter, L.N. Dunn, C.Y. Custodio, P.A. Mathew, D.M. Cheifetz, E. Alschuler, J. Knapstein. “Getting Real with Energy Data: Using the Buildings Performance Database to Support Data-Driven Analyses and Decision-Making”. In proceedings of 2014 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (Pacific Grove, CA, August 17–22), Vol. 11, pp. 49–60. [pdf]
C.Y. Custodio, T. Walter, L.N. Dunn, A. Mercado, R.E. Brown, P.A. Mathew. “Data Preparation Process for the Buildings Performance Database”. LBNL-6724E, June 2014. [pdf]
T. Walter, P.N. Price, M.D. Sohn. “Uncertainty Estimation Improves Energy Measurement and Verification Procedures”. Applied Energy, Vol. 130, pp. 230–236, October 2014. [pdf]
D.A. Jump, M. Denny, T. Walter, P.N. Price, M.D. Sohn. “Will Interval Data + Advanced M&V Analytics + Free Software = Change?”. In proceedings of 2014 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (Pacific Grove, CA, August 17–22), Vol. 6, pp. 151–162. [pdf]
T. Walter, D.M. Lorenzetti, M.D. Sohn. “Siting Samplers to Minimize Expected Time to Detection”. Risk Analysis, Vol. 32, No. 12, pp. 2032–2042, December 2012. [pdf]
F.K. Forster and T. Walter. “Design Optimization of Fixed-Valve Micropumps for Miniature Cooling Systems”. In proceedings of ASME InterPACK 2007 (Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 8–12), Vol. 1, pp. 137–145. [pdf]
F.K. Forster and T. Walter. “Fixed-Valve Micropump Simulation and Optimization”. In proceedings of 2007 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (San Jose, CA, May 20–24), Vol. 3, pp. 429–432. [pdf]