Ashok Gadgil, 760 Davis Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 | (510)-486-4651| gadgil @
Dr. Gadgil holds concurrent appointment on the UC Berkeley Campus as Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and at LBNL as Faculty Senior Scientist. At UC Berkeley, Dr. Gadgil is a Distinguished Chair Professor of Safe Water and Sanitation in CEE. He is the PI and Faculty Director of Development Impact Lab ( and of the Clean Energy Research Center for Water Energy Technologies ( At LBNL Dr. Gadgil is a Senior Faculty Scientist in the Energy Technologies Area. He has a Ph.D. in physics from University of California, Berkeley. His expertise ranges from computational fluid dynamics of indoor air and pollutant flows, simulation of entry and transport of indoor radon, building energy efficiency, and methods to treat drinking water to make it potable. He has more than 105 refereed archival journal papers, 150 conference papers, and several patents.
Areas of Expertise
- Computational Fluid Dynamics of indoor air and pollutant transport
- Simulation methods for complex non-linear systems
- Energy efficiency in buildings
- Drinking water treatment
Honors and Awards
*R&D100 Award for invention of a novel, inexpensive, and robust technology for Fluoride-remediation of groundwater. R&D100 Awards, called the “Oscars of Industrial Innovation”, are an international annual competition and celebrate the 100 top technology advances of the past year (2016)
*Elected as Foreign Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) (2015)
*Leo Szilard Lectureship Award of the American Physical Society for “outstanding accomplishments in promoting the use of physics for the benefit of society” (2015)
*Inducted in National Inventors Hall of Fame (2014)
*Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water — Creativity category — team award (2013)
*Inducted in the US National Academy of Engineering (2013)
*Winner of The Tech Awards in Economic Development category, team award for the Berkeley-Darfur Stove (2013)
*Alumni Leadership Award by the IIT Kanpur Alumni Association of Silicon Valley (2013)
*Lemelson-MIT Prize Award for Global Innovation (2012)
*Zayed Future Energy Prize Individual category (2012)
*European Inventor Award with Vikas Garud (2011)
*Heinz Award (2009)
*Breakthrough Award by Popular Mechanics — for Berkeley-Darfur Stove (2007)
*Winner of The Tech Awards in Health category, Laureate for UVWaterworks (2004)
*World Technology Award for Energy (2002)
*Popular Science — best of what is new (1996)
*Discover Award for UVWaterworks, (1996)
*Pew Fellowship in Conservation and the Environment (1991)