An estimated 60 million low income people in South Asia are affected by chronic exposure to naturally occurring arsenic in drinking water sources. Few household and community level technologies have proven to be sustainable and scalable. Electro-chemical Arsenic Remediation (ECAR) is a low cost, robust, highly effective and easily scalable technology that has been designed to fit within a scalable and sustainable business model. In this paper, we describe ECAR treatment results from arsenic- contaminated synthetic and real groundwater and field trials of 100L and 600L scale prototype systems operated at rural schools in West Bengal, India. We demonstrate robust and reliable arsenic removal, the low production of waste sludge and the potential for successful sludge stabilization in concrete. We estimate the operating costs and benefits of ECAR based on field results.
S.E.Amrose, A.J. Gadgil, S.R.S. Bandaru, C. Delaire, C.M. van Genuchten, L. Li, C. Orr, A. Dutta, A. DebSarkar, A. Das, J. Roy (2013) 36th WEDC International Conference, Nakuru, Kenya, 2013
The pdf version of the manuscript can be found at: Amrose_WEDC_2013_v3