Katya Cherukumilli


Katya Cherukumilli | katyach@berkeley.edu


University of California, Berkeley

Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, Expected May 2017

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow

B.S. Environmental Sciences, May 2012

Global Poverty & Practice and Energy & Resources Minors

Regents and Chancellors Scholar



Research Interests

Groundwater fluoride remediation, surface activation of minerals, development engineering, drinking water provision in rural India

Relevant website: http://gadgillab.berkeley.edu/research/water/fluoride-removal/


Honors and Awards

UC Irvine Designing Solutions for Poverty Competition Winner

Big Ideas @ Berkeley Award

National Science Foundation Fellow

The Maharaj Kaul Memorial Grant for Research Travel

DIL Explore Travel Grant

Haas Scholar

UC Berkeley Regents’ and Chancellor’s Scholar

California Alumni Association Leadership Scholar


Extracurricular Interests

soccer, hiking, camping, rock climbing, painting, playing violin, cooking