Author Archive
About: Gadgil Lab
Posts by Gadgil Lab:
- Daniel Wilson featured on LBNL Tech Blog (August 15, 2012 - Black Carbon Press, In the Media)
- Allen Boltz presented Berkeley-Darfur Stove safety testing results at the iiSME meeting (August 11, 2012 - Darfur Stove Press, Group Updates)
- 600L ECAR prototype arrives in Kolkata for field trials (June 22, 2012 - ECAR & ARUBA Press, Group Updates, Uncategorized)
- “Removing Arsenic from Synthetic Groundwater with Iron Electrocoagulation- An Fe and As K-edge EXAFS study”. van Genuchten et al., 2012. Environmental Science and Technology (June 15, 2012 - ECAR Publications)
- Adam Rausch selected as Fulbright Scholar for India (2012-2013) (May 30, 2012 - Awards & Recognition, Group Updates)
- Hanna Breunig Presents at the SETAC 3rd World Congress in Berlin Germany May 21 (May 29, 2012 - Group Updates)
- Dr. Ashok Gadgil Receives $100,000 Lemelson-MIT Award for Global Innovation for Scientific Solutions to the Global Water Crisis, and Energy and Fuel Efficiency (May 15, 2012 - Awards & Recognition, In the Media)
- Daniel Wilson’s black carbon-measuring weather balloon featured on LBNL’s Tech Blog (April 17, 2012 - Black Carbon Press, In the Media)
- Daniel Wilson wins UC Berkeley’s Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award (April 1, 2012 - Awards & Recognition)
- Chris and Siva leave for Mumbai (February 25, 2012 - ECAR & ARUBA Press, Group Updates, Uncategorized)
- Two visiting scholars arrive to design and construct a 500L ECAR prototype (January 2, 2012 - ECAR & ARUBA Press, Group Updates, Uncategorized)
- “Performance of Charcoal Cookstoves for Haiti, Part 2: Results from the Controlled Cooking Test” Lask, et al. LBNL report: LBNL-5341E (November 30, 2011 - Cookstove Publications)
- Carbon Cycle 2.0 talk – Efficient Stoves for Haiti (November 15, 2011 - Cookstove Press, Group Updates)
- Kathleen Lask featured in the Berkeley Science Review (October 31, 2011 - In the Media)
- ECAR team present at 35th annual WEDC conference in Loughborough, UK (July 25, 2011 - ECAR & ARUBA Press, Group Updates, Uncategorized)
- “Locally Affordable Arsenic Remediation for Rural South Asia using Electrocoagulation”, Addy et al., 2011. Proceedings of the 35th WEDC International Conference, Loughborough, UK (July 25, 2011 - ECAR Publications)
- “Performance of Charcoal Cookstoves for Haiti, Part 1: Results from the Water Boiling Test” Booker, et al. LBNL report: LBNL-5021E (June 9, 2011 - Cookstove Publications)
- Daniel Wilson awarded prestigious National Science Foundation Fellowship (April 23, 2011 - Awards & Recognition)
- Adam Rausch awarded National Science Foundation Fellowship (2011) (April 7, 2011 - Awards & Recognition, Group Updates)
- 2010 ECAR Field Trial in West Bengal is a success (December 6, 2010 - ECAR & ARUBA Press)